Monday, June 30, 2014

Here are some more pieces that I hope to work on again ...

 "Vase & Onion"
Acrylic on canvas board

 "Flask & Flower"
Oil on canvas paper

"Jar & Onion"
Oil Pastel on pastel paper

Here is a piece I did from life, using oil pastels

Given that the oil pastels used in this piece are really cheap, I won't try to do anything more with this one.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Two Onions

This one is not done, and I wonder if will often do daily paintings that I wish to continue to work.  Do they still qualify as daily paintings?  Right now I have no easel small enough to move around the house, so I'm leaving the one easel where it's at, and in the kitchen I'm using a pochade box that I made from a jewelry box, plastic palette, pencil, rubberband, two pushpins and masking tape.

 12"x9", Oil on Canvas Board